How did Brian get into Magic?
I am constantly entertaining spectators with unconventional magic that defy the laws of physics and even produces a memorable experience. When I perform it’s not about the magic trick, its about creating a feeling and connecting with my audience to create an everlasting memory.
I believe I am truly adept in both my magic and people skills. That is what makes it possible for me to feature so much audience participation. This way my audience becomes part of the show and will experience the fun and excitement during and long after my performance.
So what makes my show more of an experience for my audience? The idea is that what they are seeing today is different from what happened yesterday, and it will be different from what happens tomorrow. It isn’t like a play that is the same everytime. This is live and genuine interaction. I believe my audience appreciates that and that is what keeps it fun and fresh for me.
Finding my own style in magic has been my mantra throughout my career. Over the years I have honed my silly stage persona. My charisma is every bit as important as the tricks I perform because it makes my audience truly like me as I guide them laughingly from one illusion to the next. So whether I am performing for adults or children the magic I perform in each of those shows may be different but my fun and energetic performing style is always the same.